face 2

Acne is often thought of as a normal part of adolescence. In Chinese Medicine, it’s believed that acne that flares up on different parts of your face represents health problems on different parts of your body. Although this is not a science but this theory can be helpful when you are helpless in treating your acne and this might help you to pinpoint a reason which cause your acne.

Toxins often cleanse through the skin, when the other eliminating systems are sluggish; hormonal imbalances over stimulate the oil glands and impurities in the blood will often affect the skin. All of these can clog pores. Acne is the body’s reaction to those clogged pores. Here’s what your acne trying to indicate about your health concern:

Upper Forehead

Digestive System & Bladder – Drink plenty of water to flush, eliminate greasy foods and refined sugars especially preserved or process foods. If you’re craving deep fried fatty foods, eat avocado or add a tablespoon of coconut oil to your dish. Make sure you consume plenty of fresh organic fruits and vegetables. Some of the best antioxidant rich foods or drinks include green tea, warm lemon water, and fresh berries. If your diet is not rich in naturally fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, or kefir, consider supplementing with a probiotic capsule daily. Most pharmacies carry probiotic capsules.

Lower Forehead

Heart – Your heart is a massive organ that pumps blood through your entire body. It has a tough job and can become easily stressed due to poor diet, inactivity, and various mental and physical stresses. If you have pimples on your lower forehead make it a point to do regular cardiovascular exercises. Eating pomegranate and coconut oil will also keep your heart healthy and help clear this up.

Eyes, orbital area and between the eyebrows

Liver – Cut out the alcohol, greasy food and dairy. This is the zone where food allergies also show up first, so take a look at your ingredients. Besides all this, do 30 minutes of light exercise every day and get adequate sleep so your liver can rest. Cut back on greasy foods loaded with vegetable, soy, and canola oil, alcohol and dairy products. Avoid eating late at night as well. If you’re craving a late snack take a spoonful of raw honey or raw celery. This will let your liver rest while you’re sleeping. Eat more vegetables such as garlic, grapefruits, green tea, carrots, beets, green leafy vegetables, lemon and limes etc.


Kidneys – When kidneys are not taken care of, you’ll find these large, painful pimples on your ears that refuses to leave no matter what. Increase water intake, avoiding eating too much salty food & caffeine, & cleanse your kidneys with diuretics like parsley and water.


Heart – Check your blood pressure and Vitamin B levels. Decrease the intake of spicy or pungent food, cut down on meat and get more fresh air. Besides this, go for lower cholesterol by replacing “bad fats” with “good fats” such as Omegas 3 and 6 found in nuts, avocados, fish and flax seed. Besides that, our nose area is chock-full of dilated pores, check that your makeup is not past its expiry date or is skin-clogging and make sure that you do proper face cleansing.

Upper Cheeks

Lungs and Respiratory System – Stresses to the lungs are likely to cause flare ups in the upper cheeks and even break your capillaries. Even if you’re not a smoker you may have noticed an upper cheek breakout due to asthma, allergies, lung infections, staying in a polluted area. Try to avoid smoking and second hand smoke.

Lower Cheeks

Gum or teeth problems – Acne may appear in the lower cheek area as a result of gum or teeth problems. Avoid refined sugar and soft drinks. Oil pulling is a great technique and it is efficient in treating many gum or teeth problems. Eat fiber rich fruits and vegetables to strengthen your teeth and gums. Besides, you must change your pillowcase at least once a week, and wipe down your phone with an antibacterial wipe every few days.Always keep on top of your dental health, brushing, mouthwash and flossing twice a day and regular check ups at the dentist at least twice a year! Don’t just wait until you have a dental problem to make an appointment.

Side Of Chin

Hormones and genitals – This condition mostly affects women and it often indicates hormonal imbalance, caused by menstruation, birth control or diet high in soy. Emotional and physical stress also cause hormonal imbalance. Try to have enough & quality sleep not more than 8 hours, meditate, or do yoga. This will help you keep your mind focused and relieve stress. You can also increase the intake of essential fatty acids, such as omega 3. You can go for some herbs that will help you balance your hormones such as licorice, schisandra, holy basil, maca root, burdock, red raspberry leaves, rhodiola, milk thistle, green tea etc.

Center Of The Chin

Small intestine and stomach – Acne on the center of the chin can be related to digestion and to problems with the the stomach and small intestine. This can be directly caused by a poor diet and/or food allergies such as one to gluten. You may want to consider a whole foods cleanse for a week to assist with movement in the intestines.  To be more precise, you are what you digest. Probiotic deficiency and insufficient consumption of naturally fermented foods or probiotic capsules affect digestion, even though you may eat healthy and organic foods. Stress, insufficient sleep, and dehydration also affect stomach and small intestine. Sleeping well at night, drinking a lot of water, introducing lifestyle changes to reduce your stress, and doing yoga or meditation will help you fight chin acne.

Chest & Neck

Illness – Chest & neck areas are usually caused by stress, so be sure to figure out what’s stressing you out and try to eliminate that stress. It’s also important to be comfortable in your outfits. When areas around the neck flare up, it’s often caused by your body fighting off infections.

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