Human skin color

The 10 benefits of a chemical peel

Having radiant skin every day isn’t always easy, and even the healthiest lifestyle and skincare regiment can leave you with a dull or ruddy complexion. Chemical peels are some of the simplest and most effective treatments for achieving that radiant glow, and are one of the oldest cosmetic procedures performed around the world. Not only can you expect smooth and clear skin with these treatments, but chemical peels can also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. If you’re looking for a dramatic ‘lift’ to your appearance without expensive surgery, chemical peels could be the secret to getting that youthful look.

Here are just ten benefits of this popular cosmetic procedure:

  1. Reduction or removal of blotchy patches. Skin blotches can create a dull complexion, and typically do not clear up on their own. A chemical peel can penetrate deep enough to remove the layer of darker skin to even out your skin tone.
  2. Removing the appearance of sun damage. The sun is the leading cause of fine lines and wrinkles, and these can be prevented with a healthy skincare regiment. Chemical peels remove the layer of skin that may be affected by sun damage to leave behind a fresh and smooth layer.
  3. Acne management. If you’re suffering from acne, a chemical peel may be a valuable part of your treatment program. Lighter peels such as AHAs and glycolic acid peels are more appropriate for sensitive and acne-prone skin, and can help clear up inflammation and even acne scars after a few months of treatment.
  4. Lightening of the skin. The change of seasons, poor diet, or even a lack of rest can leave you with a dull and ruddy complexion. Powerful chemical peels made with phenol acid are used to treat deep wrinkles, and can turn your skin lighter as a side effect.
  5. Low downtime. Most peels require just one or two treatments before the cells begin to turnover; you’ll start to see effects in just a few days with little recovery time required.
  6. Smoother skin. Revealing a fresh layer of skin means you’ll have a smooth and youthful appearance and improved skin texture.
  7. Age spot removal. Age spots can be difficult to hide under makeup, but chemical peels can help reduce pigmentation and even out your skin tone.
  8. Fast and simple procedures. The process of applying the chemical peel solution and letting it set rarely takes longer than 15-20 minutes. You can be in and out of the doctor’s office within an hour.
  9. Improved collagen growth. Glycolic acid peels in particular will help with collagen production; collagen is a building block of skin tissue that creates a strong and supple skin surface.
  10. Better skin quality. Removing dead skin cells regularly will freshen up the skin and leave it silky smooth; chemical peels help remove dead skin cells and will even out the skin tone to leave you with a fresh and youthful glow.

Chemical peels work by safely and gently ‘burning’ the top layer of the skin with an acid solution; this slowly removes dead skin cells and the outer layer of skin to reveal a softer and smoother layer underneath.